
Male Pain and Male Voice: Part III

Posted by Chris Dierkes in Philosophy, Spirituality

For Part I in this series, click here. For Part II, here. -- When I used to write at Beams and Struts we often spoke of post-postmodern (or integral) thought. While the term post-postmodernism is quite jargony, the idea behind it is easy to grasp. Post-postmodern is an...

Sam Harris’ Buddhist Bullshit

Posted by Chris Dierkes in Mystics, Spirituality

Sam Harris, one of the so-called New Atheists, has been making waves recently with his new book Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion. In it Harris talks openly about his meditation practice and spiritual experience--something he has done before but doesn’t seem to have...

In Defense of Spiritual Sacrifice

Posted by Chris Dierkes in Mystics, Spirituality

“The ways of spirit are not the ways of sacrifice, but rather a way of opening yourself fully to the infinite glories of the universe.” --Marianne Williamson, The Law of Divine Compensation (p.2) When I initially read this line from Marianne Williamson's book my first thought was...

The Soul’s Divine Blueprint

Posted by Chris Dierkes in The Imaginal, The Soul

My dad has spent his professional life working as a project manager at a general construction firm. General construction firms build large buildings or complexes of buildings--usually commercial in nature. When I was a little boy I remember my dad coming home with huge sets...

What is Devotion?

Posted by Chris Dierkes in Mystics, Spirituality

I believe devotion is perhaps the single most important and neglected issue in contemporary spiritual practice. Part of that neglect I think is due to the challenge that faces anyone who tries to describe devotion. Devotion is actually a very difficult subject to discuss. It’s a...